Friday, December 17

Like summer vacation...

...Remember way back when summer vacation really was time off. Before you had a job that you still had to work, were talking way back. Back when you would wake up and have no idea what day it was but you knew you were gonna have a good time regardless, Okay now imagine you're in Italy. Yeah that's about what i'm going through.

Raw tomatoes, arugula, and mozzarella.
So Wednesday night after our fall out party Me, Anthony, and a few of the cooks went out to see what was alive in the town. This would have been extremely helpful about a moth earlier but hey better late than never, right? Well we now know where the market is, the pharmacy, the best pizza shoppe, and all the bars...We started off by getting dropped off in the middle of main street, we then took a short walk to the pizza shoppe. (Now here's where I feel like I was getting played by some Italians) "Supposedly" This pizza shoppe got voted 2nd best in Europe two years ago, now I'm not going to sit here and call people liars, but im not sold just yet. Anyway we had a few rounds and some extremely good pizza so no real complaints. After that we left and hit the bar next door meeting more of the locals, making friends the whole way. Now what better way to start a friendship than over a few rounds of shots? The best part, they bought them all, so being the friendly American I'm not going to say no. After that we hit another bar to continue the bonding process, and let me tell you we bonded well. We ended up making it home but not until we made solid friends around the town, so all in all a well spent night.

Thursday was a quiet day, no parties planned so we did a little prep for the big weekend coming. Today on the other hand was a different story, we prepped the whole day. We have 200 people parties on Saturday and Sunday so this is where the syaing "Its not the hours you put in but what you put in your hours" comes into play. We were in the kitchen from 8 until 17 doing as much as we could. I was assigned to prep the dessert for the next two days. I made 4 kilograms of sweet dough, 2 of which were flattened out like linguine, folded like a half pipe, pinched about an inch apart then rolled around, dried out, and finally fried, did around 300 of them. To me it was a fancier fried dough with a much better dough but there was a real Italian name for it, sadly can't think of it. The other 2 kilos were rolled out into logs about a quarter inch thick, sliced about 1/8 inch wide, I did about 600 of these little guys, they too were fried after drying slightly. Ant was helping prep all of the main courses, and we knocked out a good amount of food but we'll still be busy as all hell tomorrow.

So this will probably be the last post until Monday. I'll let you know how it goes.


  1. I cannot express how much i'm loving these blogs, we are all able to live it with you. Miss you lots, glad your loving it!!!

  2. RJ, I agree with Felicia - travelling vicariously with you is great!!
    On the map it looks like you are east, southeast of where Pam's grandfather came from -Castelgrande in Potevza, Basilicata.. sure looks like beautiful country!! Enjoy
