Tuesday, February 15

To eat is to survive, But to taste is to live.

The first day we were in Asti I was talking to a brazilian student about how the lifestyle was and how the school went. He looked me straight in the eye and said "Nothing over here is given like it is in America. If you stay here for the four months and don't apply yourself the only thing youre going to learn is how to drink. If you do apply yourself to school and cooking then you'll walk away with an unbelievable amount of cooking knowledge, and you'll know how to drink."

“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.”
As most of you probably know my tour and exploration in Italy is soon coming to an end and I will soon be back with friends and family in the states, but it is bitter-sweet. Over the past 4 months I have been all around this country, seizing every available opportunity I could while here to explore something new or try something I've yet to do. From learning a new language, to trying new food and from walking the quiet streets of a small town in the north of Italy to being in the biggest city in the entire country I've done almost everything I wanted to do here. I have gained knowledge that is completely un-accessible to anyone whom has never been to Italy, Along with ways of cooking and beliefs that only exist  in certain parts of Italy. Through all of this I only have one regret: Not updating this blog more. I've gotten dozens of E-mails from people thanking me for the blog and how great they say it is and I'm beyond thrilled that so many people have enjoyed it (3,700+ views), it's made keeping up on it worth the while, I just feel I could have done it a bit more. I wish I could have brought everyone who has supported me throughout the years with me, to show them what the have done. What their handwork to help teach and train someone has turned into, a lifetime experience. It was 3 years ago that I remember sitting in a financial aid office signing my life away to student loans when I knew that I was soon to be apart of something I'd never forget. 3 years later here I am, sitting across the world writing in a blog, for dozens of readers to enjoy and follow my experience, for the last time. I was never really good at good-byes but I always knew where thanks was due. (In no particular order) these are the people that have affected me in the past couple of years and helped me get to where I am right now: Roxanne Ballachino, Al Hovasse, Theresa DeSantos, Melonie Lamb, Greg Markowski, Gary Brown, Steve K, Jack Stierer, Trish Nanfito, Juan Cordova and Kenneth, All the goons that were with me through out the entire CCI/LCI schooling, Professor DePitro, Peppe Zullo, All the chefs here, My friends who had stuck with me, My extremely supportive extended family. And of course my greatest thanks go out to both of my parents, without you two and your support for my education, none of this would have been possible. For anyone that I may have forgotten, that has taken the time to teach me something or has given me a shot to prove myself thank you as well.

I was given a once in a life time opportunity and I seized it.

Forever and Always



  1. And thanks to you, Rob, for the gorgeous travelog! Looking forward to seening you in for a visit at LCI soon on your return.
    Regards, as ever, Chef.

  2. Nice job on the blog, the world is yours young friend.
